Protocols and practical measures for you and your students

You can find the full note to the community (parents, teachers, staff) on the Blog – Wuhan Novel Coronavirus – Update #1 and Update #2 here.

Please read this summary of practical classroom measures and School protocols. We remain alert but not alarmed.

  • We are monitoring updates as they come, from reputable sources (eg WHO) and will continue to provide information and take action as needed.
  • We will cancel the public tours if needed, but have put some immediate and additional screening steps in place.
  • Hand-sanitizer is now at the wash stations/bathrooms. Please use this and encourage students to use this AFTER they have washed their hands.
  • If you notice a student with upper respiratory symptoms (runny nose, blocked nose, sore throat) and/or cough, please give them a mask and send to the First Aid Station. If they have a fever, they will then be sent home.
  • Any families who visit or transit through mainland China will not be able to return to School for 14 days.
  • Please remind your students about the importance of proper hand-washing and show them how to sneeze or cough into the inside of their elbow, rather than into their hands or into nothing at all!
  • Trays of drinking cups will be available at the water stations – used cups to then go into a basket. Please do your best to encourage students not to share cups and water bottles (we know this goes against established norms, but good to regularly remind).


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