Our new Strategic Plan calls for an improvement in how we honour and respect our educators. Some immediate and tangible steps forward are happening:
- The Spark (an annual ‘educators talk’ event) to highlight and remind our community (and the world) of the talent and expertise that lies within our teaching team.
- Our first-ever education symposium in May 2020. This is a platform both for teaching and for learning alongside educators and experts from around the world.
- Relaunch of the Green Educator program (our global teacher training program), with new Foundational and Advanced course. You can play a part in this program as an instructor, please contact Desy (Manager, GEC) for a chat – desy.octavia@greenschool.org.
- A stronger approach to parent/teacher communications, including respectful tone, respecting teachers’ expertise, understanding what is NOT negotiable and respecting teachers time. New enrolment information is being built into new family expectations management as well as orientation. A conversation is underway with the GSPA on this topic and the newly formed Culture Committee has this on their docket also. Take a look at ‘Is this the right school for you?’ doc to see how we are working to reframe expectations in a much bolder way.
- PD on ‘courageous conversations’ designed to help us all better manage challenging interactions, including with parents, and including skills in bringing conversations/issues to a timely close.