Hi Team,
Thanks again for your engagement throughout last week. It was a fun week to put together and even more so to experience. I hope all got what they wanted / hoped for /needed from the week. Please remember to drop your feedback into the box on the desk in the PD corner so we can continue to evolve or PD days and make them ever more meaningful.
It will be fun to add that key component of our community of learners back into the mix – the students. We’ll welcome a few new faces as we look forward to that always exciting and dynamic 2nd semester.
Here’s a peek at week one:
Monday: HS and MS Student orientation:
- 7:45-8:15. HS/MS LN Mtg. in Sangkep
- HS 8:15-9:00 Extended homeroom – Link to LN notes with schedule
- MS 8:15 – 9:00. Welcome back assembly in Sangkep. Link to full schedule.
- 3:30-4:30 MS LN Mtg.
- 3:30-4:30 HS LN Mtg.
- MS Orientation
- 3:30-4:00 Co-planning in HOS. {Note – we’ll start creating semester two curricular team goals next week. Be thinking about them in the mean time.}
- Jalan Jalan begins
- International hug a librarian day
- 2:30-3:00. All school assembly in the Sangkep. Details to follow.
I’m sure I missed a few things. Lets be sure we’re all in the Sangkep for Monday morning’s meeting to discuss.
Keep it tight. Take it light.